Following two years of research in local archives around Sussex, SBS is creating a touring exhibition which will travel to partner locations in Bexhill, Worthing, Newhaven and Brighton and Hove in June and September.
Bexhill Museum, 10-14 June around the Museum & 15-16 June in the Education Room, linking with Bike Week (10-16 June)
Worthing Museum, 18-30 June as part of Worthing Festival
Newhaven Library 1-15 September, as part of Heritage Open Days and Newhaven Festival
Jubilee Library Brighton, 16-29 September, coinciding with International Car Free Day
The exhibition is presented as a series of themes which emerged during research – from clothing to rides, races & events; pioneering lady bicyclists, clubs & cycling suffragists; as well as current cycling clubs, promoting learning to ride & maintenance sessions for women.
SBS Digital Exhibition: Click on the images below to find out more about the different elements of the project: