A blistering September day in Worthing, one of the hottest of 2023, saw Blazing Saddles perform on the promenade in front of Worthing Pavilion, as part of Spin Out Festival. The heat took its toll on audience numbers but, you can see from the images, it was watched by a diverse audience, of approximately 100 people watching each show.
Photos © Raysto Images / KP Projects 2023

Photos © Raysto Images / KP Projects 2023

SBS ran a stall giving out hundreds of flyers, information about the project & how to get involved. And, Stitch It Don’t Ditch It set up a table & demonstrated making a pair of bloomers from men’s old shirts.
We were delighted to see some of The BMWs (Brighton Multi-Cultural Women’s Cycling Club) in the audience, along with a group from Breeze women’s cycling network who had ridden over from Worthing.