Tessie Reynolds – SBS Exhibition

Tessie on the Lovelace bicycle (note the cross bar & drop handlebars) 1893

“Miss Reynold’s, I am well assured, is but the forerunner of a big movement–the stormy petrel heralding the storm of revolt against the petticoat.” George Lacey Hillier, cycling writer and director of Herne Hill cycle track, Bicycling News, 30 Sept 1893.

“I think Miss Reynold’s costume is undoubtedly the cycling costume of the future, and I feel sure feminine cycling will reach, with its general adoption, to heights which are at present impossible for it. I congratulate Miss Reynolds on her courage in being an apostate of the movement.” Violet Lorne, editor of Ladies section, Bicycling News, 30 Sept 1893. Credit – The National Cycling Archive, Warwick University

“You have no doubt heard of my riding in knickerbockers. I should like to know your opinion on this costume for ladies. I find mine very comfortable and convenient”.

“I have received many applications for patterns of my suit from ladies… I have not a pattern for it, as I cut it out and make it entirely from my idea of what was wanted. Tessie Reynolds, letter to Bicycling News, 30 Sept 1893. Credit – The National Cycling Archive, Warwick University

After her ride: “Miss Reynolds was afterwards examined by a medical man, who announced that she had sustained no ill effects from her ride.”

“I have nothing but admiration for her pluck and splendid constitution which enabled her to place on record such an excellent performance, and for her courage in daring to appear in public in a new, novel, and at the same time, sensible costume.” John Keen, champion racing cyclist, Cycling Magazine, 30 Sept 1893. Credit – The National Cycling Archive, Warwick University

“On Thursday evening a number of ladies interested in the healthful and recreative pastime of cycling, met at the invitation of Miss T. Reynolds, at her residence, No 19 Bristol Road, to discuss the advisability of forming a Ladies’ Cyclist Club for Brighton and district…..” Brighton Gazette, 26 May 1894

Credit- British Newspaper Archive (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk), and The British Library Board “The members of the Brighton and District Ladies’ Cycling Club are growing ambitious, we are told. Recently they had a ride to Worthing and found the journey far too short!” Worthing Gazette, 27 June 1894. Credit- British Newspaper Archive (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk), and The British Library Board

“Every cyclist who truly loves the sport, every lady rider who has striven…to spread the gospel of the wheel amongst her sisters…will hear with real pain, not unmixed with disgust…to what we call a lamentable incident, that took place on the Brighton Road early last Sunday.” Cycling Magazine, 16 Sept 1893. Credit – The National Cycling Archive, Warwick University

Tessie’s costume was “Of a most unnecessary masculine nature and scantiness…which no woman possessed of the instincts of a true lady would care to appear in public with, let alone, ride through London streets.” Cycling Magazine, 16 Sept 1893. Credit – The National Cycling Archive, Warwick University